threshold.s: Compares input with threshold and
outputs a 0 if less, and 1 if greater
or equal
Output occurs on positive edge of
control input
parameters: thh, threshold
inputs: x, signal to threshold
in_control, control signal
outputs: y, the threshold decision
description: This star compares the input with a
threshold and outputs a 1 if the input
is less than the threshold, or 0 if
the input is greater than or
equal to the threshold.
Output occurs on positive edge of
control input.
threshold.s: Compares input with threshold and
outputs a 0 if less, and 1 if greater
or equal
Output occurs on positive edge of
control input
parameters: thh, threshold
inputs: x, signal to threshold
in_control, control signal
outputs: y, the threshold decision
description: This star compares the input with a
threshold and outputs a 1 if the input
is less than the threshold, or 0 if
the input is greater than or
equal to the threshold.
Output occurs on positive edge of
control input.