The 64 Bit CapsimTMK (V6.1) Hierarchical C Based Block Diagram Simulation and Modeling Tool for DSP and Communications has been developed for the 64 Bit MSYS2(MINGW) Environment for running on the Windows 7 and 10 64 Bit Platforms. In addition, a wide range of applications in DSP, Communications, Speech Processing and Image Processing have been added as well as new blocks for Audio File (AIFF) and Image (TIFF) input and output.
To download 64 Bit CapsimTMK for MSYS2(MINGW) on Windows (7 and 10) go to the CapsimTMK Site as well as the page setup for MSYS2 Development.
A large number of Screen Shots are provided in the links above.
In addition to the availability of CapsimTMK (V6.1) on Windows 7 and 10, we have also developed and provide Java tools for plotting results, with emphasis on plots for DSP and Communications (IIPPlot). A key Java tool that we provide, automatically draws a block diagram of a topology from the text(ASCII) file description. Another Java tool assists in building C code Blocks for incorporation into Capsim.
Here is a screen shot for a digital communication links showing the Java Tools in action.

Also the IIR Digital Filter in Action:

Many more screen shots are available on the site.
Finally the latest 64 bit CapsimTMK (V6.1) has been ported and is fully operational on the MACOSX and Linux platforms. We will update the availability of the downloads on this blog.